Family Law

Having to make a decision to start a relationship or separate from one is always a difficult one. But having made a decision one way or the other, we are always there to provide clients with strategic advice which is focused on their needs to help them decide on a course of action that best achieves their objectives.

Starting a relationship? Then consider Pre-nuptial Agreements, Post-nuptial Agreements, Co habitation Agreements, Pre-civil partnership Agreements, Post-civil partnership Agreements.

When a relationship enters difficulties? Our expertise is to find the best way forward, with least difficulty. Be it Divorce, Dissolution of Civil Partnership or Nullity, we will do out utmost to obtain the strategically best outcome.

Domestic Violence & Harassment? The current government definition of domestic abuse is: “any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality”.

If you believe you are suffering domestic abuse then you have a number of remedies available to you under both criminal and civil law. Because it falls under criminal law you can go to the police for immediate help and you should do this immediately if you believe you or your children are in danger.
Our solicitors are experienced in dealing with domestic abuse and harassment and can talk you through the options available to you in law. Seeking specialist legal advice as soon as possible will mean that you can better protect yourself and your family. We particularly specialise in representing high net worth individuals and understand the need for sensitivity and discretion in these matters.